This study presented two new degree programs in administration and lectures on e-government in the German university system. The research aimed to explore how competence in e-government can be created and what students’ expectations and experience are of the IT Planning Council’s modernization projects. The study used modern teaching and learning methods, surveys, and discussions to gather data. The results showed that students were unfamiliar with many of the official e-government projects, and there was no public analysis or detailed evaluation of these public projects. This suggests that the council was not fully exploiting their marketing potential to promote citizen education and participation. The expansion paper highlights the current findings in e-government development in Germany and focuses on the necessary enhancements in competence training that consider both the needs of different actors and modern teaching methods. It emphasizes that a targeted mix of gamified methods is of central importance for developing mindfulness and heightened awareness. Overall, the study suggests that there is a need for improvement in e-government education and training in Germany to promote better citizen participation and awareness.
Author(s) Details:
Margit Christa Scholl,
Technical University of Applied Sciences (TH Wildau), Germany.
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Keywords: E-government, digitization, intelligent networking, business computing, awareness raising, privacy and security