Luxury brands have increased their visibility by embracing the digital world powered by Covid 19. According to a recent study, there was an approach of customers to products, through cost reduction, geographical barriers, and delivery services.
Visual Merchandising Digital goes through good communication in terms of product and store details, as well as experiences. The idea is to minimize the perceived risk associated with the absence of physical contact. Ferreira, argues that new generations are increasingly connected to online, which makes this channel an asset. Still, some situations should be taken into account, so as not to pinch the brand. Online shoppers also undergo an experience, and therefore, it is important to consider authenticity. Very important is also the availability and distribution service.
Author(s) Details:
Maria Nascimento Cunha,
Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências (ISEC Lisboa), Portugal and Scientific Council of CIAC – Centro de Investigação de Artes e Comunicação, Portugal.
Jorge Figueiredo,
Universidade Lusíada de Famalicão, Portugal.
Isabel Oliveira,
Universidade Lusíada do Porto, Portugal.
Maçães, Manuel,
Universidade Lusíada do Porto, Portugal.