Irrational use of antibiotics is increasing worldwide. Associated complications include antimicrobial resistance, antibiotic-related toxicity, gut-microbiome-mediated properties, and expensive healthcare costs. The study conducted to evaluate the irrational use of antibiotics in hospitalized children revealed a 66.9% prevalence, with consistently higher percentages than other studies. The point prevalence data from another survey has reported 40.9% irrationality, with data collected only on one selected day of hospital stay. A cross-sectional study in Ethiopia showed a 74% prevalence, and it can be concluded that geographical differences in antibiotic use should be further evaluated through future research. According to the Chinese national management strategy, not more than 60% of hospitalized children should receive antibiotics. Moreover, the research states that approximately 90% of irrational antibiotic use with indications of overprescribing was obvious. The reasons for divulging might be triggered by poorer and suboptimal acquaintance with antibiotic use of doctors and pediatric-specific sources.
Author(s) Details:
Mohammad Azeem,
Maternity and Children Hospital, Buraidah, Al Qaseem, KSA.
Pankaj Arora,
Lords University Alwar-Bhiwadi-Delhi Highway, Chikani, Alwar, Rajasthan, India.
Yousif Alosaily,
Maternity and Children Hospital, Buraidah, Al Qaseem, KSA.
Aifan Saad Alrsheedi,
Al Razi Medical Company Buraidah, Al Qaseem, KSA.